This week, we didn't pay off as much as I would have liked to. BUT we still paid off something which is what I care about. We have a good reason why we didn't pay off as much as in the previous weeks.
In my previous blog post Refinancing your mortgage, and what you need to know! I mentioned that we were refinancing our mortgage, which will finally be done this month. Well with doing a refinance there are closing costs on top of closing costs, apparently.
We paid off:
Medical bill ✓
As of January 1st, we have paid off $1,678.46!
Now you may be wondering why we only paid off one debt this week when we paid off so much debt the previous week. Remember last week when I said "We wanted to make sure we still had enough money left to pay for utilities and other bills later in the month." and week one I talked about Murphy's law. Well, it was smart of me to not pay off so much because Murphy came around!

Luckily, most places can put the closing cost into the mortgage which is what we did. Well, a few months ago we got a rebate from mass save for our new furnace. Apparently, the mortgage company wanted an amount in addition to the closing cost that "coincidently" cost about the same as the rebate. Well, that rebate is GONE, so I immediately called my mortgage person asking about it.
He ended up putting that cost into my mortgage amount but we still had to bring $150 to the closing next week. Which is better then the 3k they wanted us to bring.
To top it all off, we thought we didn't have to pay our mortgage this month because of us going to the new mortgage and closing this month. But we don't pay for next month. So that was a big whoops.
So, next week we plan on paying the dental bills we were going to pay this week before all this stuff happened. We will probably only pay one or two of the three dental bills depending on how much it is and how much we have in our bank. don't want a repeat of this week!
Has this happened to you when paying off debt? Tweet me @Ditchindebt or comment below and tell me what happened with your mix up!
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