Being able to control what you spend is crucial in getting out of debt. The easiest way to cut costs is to find out what you can cut and what you can't cut.
But assuming you've done all you can do like we have, then we're sitting at about 83% of my spending I can't touch or do anything about. Now, this number may scare some but we're working on getting out of debt right? So that percentage will slowly go down over time. We got this!

The most control we have is Groceries and Gas. Some simple ways to save on grocery shopping is to look at flyers and sale items. You can also look around at other supermarkets to find the best deal, the same goes for gas stations. You should also set a limit. Like saying, I'm not spending more than X amount on groceries or gas.
The ultimate goal is to get that 83% down so we can save more and have Financial freedom to do whatever we want! If I were to pay off all my debt that percent would go down to 58% which is a lot less scary then almost 90%.
What do you do to save money? Tweet me @Ditchindebt or comment down below!
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